Bring CVC to You

We Share Information about Environmental Stewardship

If it’s about the Credit River Watershed, we’re involved! We love to share information about the natural environment with our community. We aim to stimulate discussion and inspire action.

Please provide a minimum of six weeks notice when submitting your request. We will do our best to accommodate eligible requests.

We are offering our presentations virtually and in-person.

CVC Speaker Series

Our scientists and environmental educators will come to you to engage and inspire. We offer free compelling presentations to groups in our community.

We’ve developed a few presentations that can be delivered on request. Most include take-home resources so that you can move to action.

Choose from the Following Presentations

Discover the best native flowers, shrubs, trees and groundcovers for smaller gardens and yards. Participants will learn to add colour and curb appeal while attracting birds and pollinators to their yards.

  • Length of presentation: 30 to 40 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: residents’ associations, landowners, urban homeowners, garden and horticulture groups
  • Minimum group size: 15

Discover beautiful ways to collect and manage stormwater on your property. Explore design features such as rain gardens, rain chains and soakaways.

  • Length of presentation: 20 to 40 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: residents’ associations, landowners, urban homeowners, garden and horticulture groups
  • Minimum group size: 15

Birds can bring colour, music and joy to any landscape. Learn about the diverse birds you see in local landscapes at different times of year. Explore what to plant to attract them and how to keep them safe.

  • Length of presentation: 30 to 40 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: residents’ associations, landowners, urban homeowners, garden and horticulture groups
  • Minimum group size: 15

Pollinators help plants to bloom and thrive. Want to support butterflies, bees and other pollinators in their natural roles? Discover the top native flowers, shrubs and trees you may plant to help them along. Learn how to create beautiful, healthy habitat even in the smallest spaces.

  • Length of presentation: 30 to 40 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: residents’ associations, landowners, urban homeowners, garden and horticulture groups
  • Minimum group size: 15

What are invasive species and why they are a threat? Explore what you can do to help the fight against invasive species in your neighbourhood. Learn what CVC is doing to help curb the invasion.

  • Length of presentation: 30 minutes to 1 hour, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: naturalists, landowners, landscapers, gardeners
  • Minimum group size: 15

This presentation can be focused for your group:

  • For naturalists: ecological impacts and identification (focus on plants and some aquatic species)
  • For landowners: environmental and economic impacts
  • For landscapers or gardeners: identification of invasive plant species (especially plants commonly used in the horticultural trades), how to get rid of invasives, and good gardening alternatives

Discover how to improve the quality of soil at your farm or garden. Our expert(s) will communicate the fundamentals of soil science in an easy-to-understand manner. Collect tips and tricks on how to implement soil building practices into your daily routine.

Length of presentation: 30 minutes
Of interest to: residents’ associations, landowners, garden and horticulture groups and farmers
Minimum group size: 15

Explore the importance of grassland habitat and the life cycle of two threatened grassland birds – bobolink and eastern meadowlark. Learn about the CVC developed Bird-Friendly Certified Hay Program, including its successes in species recovery.

  • Length of presentation: 45 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: naturalist clubs, rural landowners, farmers
  • Minimum group size: 15

Our health and well-being is linked to health of forests, wetlands, soils, plants and animals. Learn the importance of calculating the full value of ecosystem services and their impact on the well-being of the watershed residents and the broader community. Enhance decision-making by incorporating the value of nature’s benefits.

  • Length of presentation: 20 – 30 minutes, plus questions and answers
  • Of interest to: local and regional governments, government and non-government organizations, residents, community groups
  • Minimum group size: 15

Invite CVC to Your Event

We are happy to share our science and information about the local natural environment, climate change and ways that you can contribute to conservation. Tell us about your event and we’ll do our best to attend with a display or provide educational materials for you to distribute.

For CVC to participate at your event or provide resources, your event must take place within the within the Credit River Watershed.

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